Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome 2011

Here it is, a brand spanking new year for us to do with whatever we please!

As Brad and I ushered in 2011 with some very dear friends, I tried my hardest to feel great and be chipper, but...I was sick...and I mean REALLY sick.

I never get sick but when I do, I tend to do it in a big way. I had been fighting a sore throat for several days and finally, on Thursday, Dec 30th, Brad took me to the doc...first time ALL YEAR! I was examined and it was concluded that I had one very miserable sinus infection. I was ready to just check out for a few days but knew that life had to go on. So armed with antibiotics and a FABULOUS cough syrup with codeine {{sigh}} I ventured out for our festive celebration...we made it until 10:00 PM!

No matter...after all, that's not what really counts. What matters is how I live 2011 and what I choose to do with each and every blank day in my calendar.

As I look back on 2010, I can recall blessings that came my way that I truly stand in awe of. The Lord has been so gracious to me and to my family and loved ones. We have been blessed with challenges that have given us opportunities to grow and we have been tried and tested at times when we wondered if we would be strong enough to endure. We did! We endured and we grew and we are happier and more fulfilled.

I look forward to this new 2011 year. I am anxious to see what new adventures await us and even what challenges we get to work through. We are blessed to have amazingly great friends and family and know that we will all be there to support and sustain each other through whatever comes our way. Life is beautiful and each and every new year presents a clean slate for each of us.

May God bless us all!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Hope you are feeling MUCH better now Mary! So sorry you had to end the new year being sick. HAve a HAPPY HAPPY 2011. Blessings your way...