Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bipolar Weather and Life Lessons

Good morning! I usually don't post on the weekend, but I woke up, saw the sun and actually heard birds chirping! I was SO excited to see the brightness of this new day. Where I live, in the mountains, Spring has been very naughty and very tardy in showing up here in Midway! As I read some of my favorite blogs from some amazing women who live on the east and west coasts and in the south, I see shots of BEAUTIFUL budding trees, sprawling green grasses and vibrant blooming flowers...not, we still have...brown sticks, bare-limbed trees with minimal buds and struggling little blooms fighting their way to Spring!...My grass, however, is the most emerald of greens! There's hope?!?

Our "bipolar" weather has become the talk of the town! No really, everyone is talking about how crazy it has been. One day we have sun and 70 degrees F and everyone is in shorts, t-shirts and flip-flops, the next we have snow, 30 degrees F with heavy winter jackets, boots with hats and gloves! This is posing a HUGE problem for me! Yesterday was sunny and relatively warm. I was thinking about what to wear to church today, figured it out and now have to start over and dig out some cool weather items in order not to freeze! I'm so sick of my winter clothing and am DYING to wear light and colorful fabrics, strappy sandals and my hair in a ponytail...Argggggg!

OK, OK, enough complaining! What's the lesson to be learned here, because there always is a lesson to be learned...right??

I figure this is exactly how life is! Things can look great and the best of plans can be made but in an instant, everything can change! I know that I have had a life of constant change and maybe that's not such a bad thing. I'm learning that that's really a blessing from a loving Father who wants me to grow and find peace and happiness and joy and love. It's when we are faced with adversity that we learn the most. When we are "forced" to make changes, that we ultimately find the most peace.

So I am trying to look at this cRaZy weather as an example of life; One day we have blizzards that leave an inch of snow, break a few limbs, bring down power lines and even destroy a few budding plants, but the next we are blessed with the warmth of the sun, the glistening dew of a new day, the laughter of children playing outside and the most vibrant colors that nature can provide. So I guess the key is to endure the "bad" and celebrate the "good"...that's when true joy is found!

Have a blessed day...endure the hardships, look forward to the Joys and NO complaining!

1 comment:

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Yes, our weather has been crazy too! One day it is warm and then the next day it is cool. Summer can't make up it's mind about getting here. Oh well, I guess we just have to roll with the punches and make the best of it. Hope you have a great day! Love & blessings from NC!