Today is a MONUMENTAL day. My parents are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary!! Who makes it that long these days and remains happy?? I am so honored to have parents who are so committed and dedicated to their marriage and to their family. They are wonderful, blessed people and I couldn't have asked for better role models.
It all started in Albuquerque, New Mexico where my Southern Daddy had moved from Texas and got involved in a young adult group through the Methodist church. It was there that he met my sweet mother who was a shy, backwards (her words) girl who felt that the only thing she did well was play the violin. I asked my mother what attracted her to my father and she told me that he was so sweet and made her laugh! He was a good young man who loved God and shared the same values that she had.
My dad thought she was the most beautiful girl. They went out on a date in Sept. but then he didn't ask her out again until Jan. (Dad, really??) When he did ask her out again, he asked if his ukelele could have a date with her violin! Totally cheesy...totally sweet!! They dated and were then married the following June in the Methodist church in Albuquerque.
My dad worked for Reidlings Record Store where he met the Capitol Records Rep who was taken with his abilities, they moved to Paducah, Texas where my brother, Mark was born. After a few more moves, they ended up in Dallas, TX where he was hired by Capitol. Then they moved to Minneapolis, MN where I entered the picture, then to Seattle, WA then finally to Los Angeles (Van Nuys) where my sister was born and my dad finally had an office in the famous Capitol Records Tower on the 11th floor...but he hated L.A. so took the transfer back to Seattle (we lived in Bellevue) where my little brother was born and after 5 years in the Northwest, we moved back to L.A (Westlake Village) and he was back in the Tower.
My parents moved a lot...we moved a lot! But we always had each other and we always had a great time. We had amazing friends, met the most interesting, creative people and were taught basic Christian principles. We went to church EVERY Sunday and survived life's trials together. I was raised by "Ozzie and Harriett"!!
I could go on and on about the amazing childhood that they provided for us 4 children, but let me just say this...we were all taught to do what is right, let the consequence follow. I cannot remember a day when my father did NOT tell us how much he loved our mother! He has always been very vocal and open about his feelings about her and we always KNEW that we had better show her respect or else!...
I am honored and proud to be my parents daughter. I adore my 2 brothers and my sister and I am thankful for the childhood that my parents worked so hard to provide for us. We certainly weren't the "perfect" family, but we were a "great" family and we had our quirky, goofy, silly, fun, loving moments. We suffered set-backs and we survived. My little brother and I gave them a run for their money at times, but they hung in there with us and never stopped praying for us.
Now my parents are O.L.D! My mother is an amazingly talented violinist, still plays for the Utah Symphony and has traveled around the world on tour with them. She is young at heart and still has her health. She has been the primary care taker for my dad for many years and has done it well.
Today, my mother wanted to make it a special day for her sweetheart who is lying in a rehab center fighting for each breath of his life. My dad ADORES Crab Legs so she ordered up 5 meals of Alaskan King Crab
from "Red Lobster" and surprised him with his favorite meal. She invited my brother, his wife and me to join them so we did and it was the sweetest thing! Keep in mind that my dad has not eaten anything for over 3 weeks and has a feeding tube inserted.
My cute Dad & me
My 2 nephews, Jake & Cade with my dad
My cute sister-in-law, Jayme & my Dad
My little brother, Paul, dad & me
My Dad & Mom...
My sweet daddy...
My parents have set the bar high for all of us! They have honored their wedding vows and have shown us what a loving, committed couple is. Thanks, Mom and Dad...Happy Anniversary!